Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sugeon Check Up One Week Post Op

Today I went back to my wonderful surgeon Dr. Wohlgemuth, and had my one week follow up exam. The exam lasted a total of five minutes where he said,
"Are you drinkin? Are you peein'? " and I of course said yes to all. Oh and by the way I've lost 10 lbs in 8 days....ROCK ON!

Now, here's the fun part....he goes to check my incisions. Now I was told by the nurses, don't take off the steri strips, just let them fall off gradually in the shower over time. So I had these nightmares last night that my doc just pulled them off. Guess what happened....I pull up my shirt to proudly show him my healing self...where the drain was is closed up nicely, but all the rest still have their steri strips on them. He goes to one in the middle and YANK without warning just rips the mother off me...and I give a little yelp. It really only hurt a little, but I was totally surprised. I was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? He's like, these can come off anytime now...just pull them off in the shower. I was like...yeah...and why didn't you let me do that funny man! Anyways, at least the wound is pretty healed under the one he pulled. I guess next time I shower I'll attempt the others.

One thing I did get and need is another week off work. My surgeon recommends 3 at a mininum. I was determined to go back after 2, but I have to say, just my little journey to the doctor's office was an eye opener. I was thoroughly exhausted just getting ready, going to the car, walking in the office, going back to the car and back home. I realize even with my 15 minutes on the treadmill, it's not enough to really start earning back my stamina. So I'm going to try sitting up in the dining room and working on my sick desktop computer today for an hour or so. Just get the old body back used to doing things upright. I've been sitting up in my bed a lot this past week, but other than that not really doing much else. Time to start I guess.

The best news of all is that I'm cleared officially for soft foods...the means all kinds of soups, chili, refried beans, meat sauces, eggs, hmmm real food. Not just broth and protein shakes...yippee.
I'll let you know how it all goes.

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