Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Weight Watchers Again...Sugar Sucks

Deep down in my heart of hearts, I know that the slowing down of my weight loss is due to one thing...sugar. Sugar is an addiction for me, and sadly not just sugar, but all refined carbs (potatoes, rice, bread, pasta...sigh). One huge disappointment regarding my surgery was that I did not develop dumping syndrome with sugars...only fats. This means I can eat pretty much any sugary substance (candy, cookies, you name it) with no negative impact.

So it's back to mind over matter. It's back to trying to find other ways to sooth the soul besides comfort foods and sweets. I'm trying relaxation cd's since most of my eating is due to stress...CHECK THIS ONE OUT...it's awesome:

This cd just works...the voice, the music, the imagery, almost hypnotic...totally relieves the worst stress...and I can tell you I have the worst stress ever.

I've also given up sugar for Lent. In an effort to try to follow something of the Lent season, I chose to just give up sugar entirely for a limited time. Cole has decided to do it with me, which makes it a little easier. We didn't throw out the candy in the house, just moved it up a couple shelves in the pantry out of site.

The shocking result...that totally validates everything and all my suspicions about my sugar addiction is that in the first 5 days off sugar I dropped 4 lbs. And in the second week now, I'm down another 3 lbs. I went back to Weight Watchers last week (since the one at work ended, now I"m going to one at the community center). I was quite triumphant as I was able to show those 4lbs down on my first visit woohoo.

So what to do after Lent is over...that's the big question. Miles is coming to visit bringing yummy British chocolate Easter Eggs, and I'm wondering...how can I make a change without feeling like the sweetness of my life is totally over. Because frankly, when most of your times are dark...the sweet taste of chocolate, though fleeting does lift the soul a bit (and the seratonin levels).

I don't have an answer now...I've got like 31 days left to think about it. I'm wondering if I can box in the consumption of it to one day a week or something like that. Is it possible to have a little without falling off the wagon entirely...I'm not sure.

I found an excellent support site though for people trying to get off sugar and take care of themselves:

I'm hoping to conquer the addiction, yet still be able to have the stuff around for the sake of those in my house who shouldn't be deprived due to my weaknesses.
We shall see!

The other interesting aspect of post gastric bypass and diet is that I feel compelled to tell people at weight watchers that I'm post surgical. I know people judge me as maybe being a "cheater" amongst them, since my stomach is small. But I figure I'm also there as public outreach on behalf of post ops, because I want to dispell the belief that the surgery is easy, that it solves everything, that it's strictly aesthetic. Hopefully people will see my struggle and understand that the surgery doesn't fix your head, your addictions, your need for comfort, so many things are left 'unfixed'.

I'm working on all that stuff :-)